Mortal Kombat (2021 Film) Review

Mortal kombat 2021 movie poster Simon mcquoid

Back when I was a kid, Mortal Kombat was one of my favorite games to play. I remember the movie coming out in the 1990s and my generation mostly liked it. But it was cheesy and kind of stupid. Now almost two decades later, we see a reboot.

Hanzo Hasashi vs Bi-Han ancient Japan mortal kombat 2021 Hiroyuki Sanada

The movie starts centuries before medieval Japan. Hasashi Hanzo (Scorpion) is challenged by Bi-Han (Sub-Zero) and after a bitter and bloody battle, the Japanese warrior falls and goes immediately to hell. But through a surviving daughter, his bloodline continues.

Cole Young training with daughter Lewis Tan mortal kombat 2021

The film focuses on Cole Young, a fighter who has lost his talent. He fights for two hundred bucks and barely survives. But he was born with a strange birthmark in the shape of a dragon. Little does he know that it’s not a birthmark, but a sign of being chosen.

Bi-Han Sub-Zero hunts down earth's champions Joe Taslim mortal kombat 2021

But the evil Outworld’s leadership decide to kill all of Earth’s champions before the Mortal Kombat tournament begins as a means to cheat. They send the mighty Sub-Zero to be the assassin, but will the champions of Earth survive?

Liu Kang welcomes earth's champions to temple mortal kombat 2021 Ludi Lin

Overall, the newest Mortal Kombat is definitely a superior film to the first attempt. Critics were really mixed but if you didn’t play the games, I don’t doubt you’d wouldn’t think the movie was dumb. It was enjoyable for me but I do think they totally messed up Mileena and Reptile.

Score: B

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  1. ratmom says:

    My daughter was just telling me about this the other day. She said it was good and I should watch it.

    Liked by 1 person

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