Things I Hate: Eric Gordon (Billy Madison)

Bradley Whitford as Eric Gordon Billy Madison 1995 film Adam Sandler

Eric Gordon was the first bad guy in any Adam Sandler movie, but I do prefer Shooter McGavin as a baddie but Eric Gordon is definitely number two.

Eric Gordon talking to Carl at the magic show Billy Madison 1995 film Adam Sandler Bradley Whitford

He’s the Executive Vice President at Madison Hotels and the heir to running the company if Billy happens to fail his quest, for which he is obviously hoping for. And nobody else in this whole film sees the conflict of interest.

Eric Gordon playing the violin Billy Madison 1995 film Adam Sandler Bradley Whitford

After almost sabotaging his chances, they have a final competition where both compete in various High School events to get the company.

Eric Gordon loses control after losing contest Billy Madison 1995 film Adam Sandler Bradley Whitford

For which Eric managed to lose somehow despite his fancy education. And he decides to take the very illegal way out of it.

Eric Gordon tackled by Principal Max Anderson Billy Madison 1995 film Adam Sandler Bradley Whitford

For which he stopped by two very socially weird guys and no real harm is done.

Eric Gordon in crutches final scene Billy Madison 1995 film Adam Sandler Bradley Whitford

Despite doing stuff that would get him 20 years in prison, he manages to somehow be in the crowd when Billy announces that he will be in teacher instead of a company president. This didn’t quite make sense to me as a kid, but I do realize that he was still wealthy and you know how rich people get out of criminal cases. If Eric Gordon ran as a Republican politician, he could have gotten out of any crime for free, just ask Donald Trump.

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