Things I Like: Bob Barker (Happy Gilmore)

Bob Barker Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

I absolutely loved Bob Barker in Happy Gilmore. The Price is Right is one of my favorite game shows of all time and his cameo here is absolutely legendary.

Bob Barker watches Happy drive on the tee Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

Playing himself, he is the golfing partner of Happy Gilmore during a celebrity tournament. Bob Barker is pretty serious about golf and he starts to get fed up with Happy as the Heckler makes him play absolutely terrible.

Happy vs Bob Barker Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

For which Happy Gilmore ends up getting in a fight with Bob Barker and losing badly. The Price is Wrong.

Bob Barker walks away in victory Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

And I heard Bob Barker was actually pretty good at martial arts so it actually makes sense. One of the best legendary beatdowns of all time, LOL.

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  1. Theresa says:

    Best fight scene ever!


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