Things I Like: Virginia Venit (Happy Gilmore)

Julie Bowen as Virginia Venit Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

Virginia Venit is likable character in Happy Gilmore but she’s actually one of my least favorite love interests in Adam Sandler movies. I didn’t think she was that particularly attractive and she doesn’t really have that much chemistry with him than you would think.

Virginia Venit meets Shooter McGavin Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler Julie Bowen

At the start of the movie, she’s some kind of executive or something in the golf world. But unlike her peers, she seems to have a pretty good opinion of Happy Gilmore despite him flipping the world of golf upside down.

Virginia Venit and Happy pick up Grandma Gilmore from the nursing home Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler Julie Bowen

And she quickly becomes a pretty serious partner in his life.

Virginia Venit and Happy final putt golf tournament Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler Julie Bowen

And she’s there with him at the end when he wins everything.

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