Things I Like: Happy Gilmore (Happy Gilmore)

Adam Sandler as Happy Gilmore in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

My second favorite Adam Sandler character, Happy Gilmore was such a great person. Originally a failed hockey player, he instead becomes much better in a different kind of sport.

Happy Gilmore tees off in his grandma's front yard in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

Which is indeed golf and he uses his powerful hockey swing to drive the ball farther than most normal professional golfers could even dream.

Happy Gilmore being heckled while putting on golf green in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

But he could not putt worth a darn nor take criticism from a very particularly annoying heckler.

Happy Gilmore getting beaten by Bob Barker in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

I will say that I personally love watching Bob Barker beat his behind for some reason. The price is indeed right.

Happy Gilmore and Chubbs Peterson in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

I liked his relationship with his golfing mentor Chubbs Peterson despite the fact that Happy accidentally causes his demise by showing him the head of the alligator that took his hand.

Happy Gilmore and Virginia Venit championship game final hole in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

I also liked his relationship with Virginia Venit, but it was actually one of my least favorite romances in his movies.

Happy Gilmore arguing with Shooter McGavin while Virginia Venit stands in the background in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

But his rivalry with Shooter McGavin is unmatched.

Happy Gilmore wins championship with Golden putter in Happy Gilmore 1996 movie Adam Sandler

And watching him win the entire tournament with that impossible shot is still so satisfying.

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