A Summer Day at Spartanburg Memorial Airport

Spartanburg Memorial airport downtown South Carolina small plane clouds

Near my mom’s house is the city’s downtown Airport. Most people here never use it to fly. It’s mostly for private aircraft, I remember Jerry Seinfeld landing here when he came to Spartanburg for stand up. It was a good day and the clouds looked amazing.

Downtown airport Spartanburg South Carolina

There wasn’t much action that day with planes.

Crow on top of airport tower

I saw this crow on the top of the tower. Every time I see a crow now, I think of Game of Thrones.

Covid-19 face mask Spartanburg downtown Airport South Carolina

Even though we were wearing face masks, one of the workers saw us and gave us these official ones by the airport. I was really surprised, but I was thankful. I prefer my surgical masks because they are easier to breathe through, but I’m keeping this one in my mom’s car when I forget to bring my surgical mask with me when I’m with her.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. mlouisebarbourfundyblue says:

    Amazing clouds indeed, Adam! Wow! I wouldn’t recognize you in your mask! Have a good one!


  2. Theresa says:

    How nice that they were giving out masks. A nice souvenir.


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