Things I Like: Elsa Schneider (Indiana Jones)

Elsa Schneider Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Elsa Schneider was an interesting character in the series. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, she appears to be an Austrian archaeologist interested in finding the Holy Grail.

Hot blonde Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Elsa Schneider

And she often seems to be fearless when she tags along with Indiana Jones on his adventures. The two of them even share a romantic bond.

Hot German girl Elsa Schneider Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Until we find out that she had been working for the Germans.

Elsa Schneider and the German army Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

And for most of the film, she works on the side of evil.

Elsa Schneider working with the germans Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

And she stands against Indiana when they reach the Holy Grail’s location.

Elsa Schneider sees the holy Grail Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Well up until they find the Holy Grail. I did think it was clever that she tricked that guy into drinking into the wrong cup.

Elsa Schneider dies Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

But Indiana forgives her soon later, but she dies when she tries to take the Holy Grail after it falls near a ledge. She kinda asked for it.

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