Things I Like: The Quiz With Balls (American TV Series)

The Quiz with Balls American TV Series Fox Hulu Jay Pharoah

The Quiz with Balls is a new game show on Fox but I watch it on Hulu. Apparently it’s based on a German game show or something with the exact same concept.

Jay pharaoh as host The Quiz with Balls American TV Series Fox Hulu Jay Pharoah

Comedian Jay Pharoah is the host and I can’t remember anything I’ve actually seen him in.

Family behind the table The Quiz with Balls American TV Series Fox Hulu Jay Pharoah

But the show kind of gives you vibes of Family Feud but this is all technically trivia. So they all play as a family and whoever in the family guesses wrong, gets hit with a giant ball and falls in the water.

Contestant knocked out by ball The Quiz with Balls American TV Series Fox Hulu Jay Pharoah

I think the main problem with the format of the show is once they start losing family members, it quickly snowballs into disaster. It works so far, but I don’t think I would go out of my way to be a contestant for this show.

Contestant falls into the water The Quiz with Balls American TV Series Fox Hulu Jay Pharoah

Especially as being pushed in water terrifies me. But this is a fun little watch for me, especially as I love trivia. The questions are designed to be tricky and hard to guess with 100% accuracy. Which I find not as appealing.

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