Things I Hate: Chandler (Seven Deadly Sins)

Chandler Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

One of the last villains introduced in the show, Chandler was definitely one that you loved to hate.

Chandler and Cusack Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

He arrives with Cusack after the defeat of the Ten Commandments. Ages ago they were instructed by The Demon King to train Meliodas and Zeldris. Since Chandler was the teacher of Meliodas , he was the one who taught him full counter.

Chandler finds Meliodas and Elizabeth Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

Chandler has a deep affection for Meliodas, like a father has for his son. But a deep hatred for Elizabeth, seeing her as the one who “corrupted” his prodigy. He desperately wants to take Meliodas back to the demon race and get rid of Elizabeth forever.

Chandler kills Giant king Drole Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

He’s one of the strongest characters in the whole series. His darkness makes Escanor almost powerless, and he was able to outmatch Merlin with magic. He almost kills several members of the Seven Deadly Sins but he does slaughter Gloxinia and Drole who gave their lives to buy them more time.

Chandler Meliodas and Zeldris vs King Arthur Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

When Meliodas wants to get all of the Commandments to become the next Demon King, Chandler is definitely thrilled about the idea. He even the fights Ludociel of the Four Archangels to protect Meliodas.

Chandler and Cusack become the original demon Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

And when the fight against the Seven Deadly Sins goes out of his favor, he fuses bodies with Cusack to return to their original form. Calling himself the Original Demon, he apparently tried to steal the Demon King’s throne long ago and his punishment was being split into two different demon identities. His power is crazy strong but he does end up losing.

Chandler slain by Cusack Seven Deadly Sins anime nanatsu no taizai

After losing, he goes back to his regular form and both of them find an injured Zeldris. Cusack murders him in a surprise attack as he knew Chandler would not allow Zeldris to become the next Demon King. Good riddance.

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