Things I Like: King Chappa (Original Dragon Ball Anime)

King Chappa Original Dragon Ball Anime series Japan

King Chappa was an okay minor character in the original Dragon Ball series. He reminds me a lot of the Dragon Ball Z character Hercule (Mr. Satan) in appearance and hairstyle. He didn’t show up to the first tournament but he apparently won a previous tournament in the past.

King Chappa defeated by Kid Goku Original Dragon Ball Anime series Japan

And everyone is shocked when Goku manages to knock him out in a preliminary fight.

King Chappa vs Tambourine Original Dragon Ball Anime series Japan

He unfortunately becomes a victim of Tambourine who was sent by King Piccolo to eliminate anybody that may have the power to trap him with magic.

King Chappa vs Goku rematch fight World Martial Arts Tournament Original Dragon Ball Anime series Japan

He is wished back to life (along with the other victims of Piccolo) and shows up for the last tournament. Facing Goku again in the pre-round fights. While King Chappa may have gotten stronger, Goku at this point was  far more powerful than King Piccolo and took him out with one hit. Apparently it’s semi-canon that he was the original mentor of Uub in Dragon Ball Z.

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