Downton Abbey (TV Series) Season 1 Review

Downton Abbey season 1 poster

I had heard of Downton Abbey for quite some time now but never really considered watching it. While it’s a critically-acclaimed show, in America it goes somewhat unnoticed as (like Sherlock) it airs on PBS. I also heard a few of the actors in Game of Thrones also were in Downton Abbey. Which was reason enough for me to start the series.

Downton Abbey Robert crawley finds out about the titanic sinking

The story is about Lord Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham in Great Britain. The year is 1912, and the Titanic sinks. On the ship was Robert’s two closest male relatives, which were his heirs to his estate. His daughters cannot be his heir as British law would not allow it. Robert had no close relatives, and his new heir is a very distant cousin they knew little about.

Downton Abbey mr mosely dressing Matthew Crawley

The heir is Matthew Crawley, who is quite middle-class compared to the British aristocrats he’s related to. Both Robert and his wife Cora want their eldest daughter Mary to marry Matthew in order to give their daughter what she deserves. But things don’t go well for both sides of the family at first, especially as Mary is quite rebellious and foolish.

Downton Abbey season 1 Mary Crawley Edith Crawley Sybil Crawley

After watching the first episode, I somewhat wondered if I would like Downton as much as everyone else did. But at the end of the season, I realized there was never a dull moment, and how much I wanted to see what happens to the characters. I also like how it’s set in history, and how all the characters are strong and unique; from the nobles to their servants.

Score: A-

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Linda says:

    Thanks for the review Adam! I started watching mid-series, so I didn’t know the background from the first season that you provided. With so many characters having adventures, I feel like I need to take notes! Linda in Kansas


  2. Sakuranko says:

    Hi Adam! I waited for a long time fo watch this TV show thanks for share with us

    Liked by 1 person

  3. RO says:

    Like you, I’ve heard all sorts of good news about the show, but have never watched it. I saw that it popped up over on Netflix and added it to my list because I’m getting more into period pieces these days. Glad you loved it, and thanks for the review. Hugs, RO


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