Things I Like: Galand (Seven Deadly Sins)

Galand seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

I did love to hate this guy. He was the first big bad threat from the Ten Commandments. Though, far from its strongest member.

Galand vs Meliodas clones seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

He’s bold enough to challenge the Seven Deadly Sins alone. Since his attacks are all physical, Meliodas couldn’t use full counter and he destroyed the team. Gowther tricked him with mind magic to think he left mortal wounds.

Merlin turned to stone by the curse of the Commandment of truth seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

His other skill is his commandment’s curse, being able to turn anyone who lies to stone. One of my favorite curses in cleverness. Even he can be cursed if he lies, which he almost does.

Galand vs Meliodas rematch seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

When Meliodas gets his powers back, he whoops his tail. Somehow Meliodas let’s him live.

Galand vs Ban seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

Which almost killed Ban as he really came close to murdering him.

Galand meeting Escanor seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

He meets Escanor before that could happen, and decides to play a game with him. A fight to the death where the Lion Sin of Pride got the first punch.

Galand vs Escanor seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

And when Escanor transforms, he totally regrets it. One of my favorite fights of the series. He is so outmatched, he breaks the rules of his game and is cursed into stone.

Galand killed by Estarossa seven deadly sins anime nanatsu no taizai

I thought that killed him but he was still alive. Until Estarossa found him and murdered him so he could steal the power of his commandment. Good riddance.

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